Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Coachella 2024: Vintage Trends Dominate

Coachella 2024

With the sad demise of live music festivals around Australia, many are plugging in to see what’s been happening at Coachella 2024. Amazingly, the dominant themes on the fashion circuit are vintage looks straight out of the Woodstock era.

It’s hard to believe that the absolute coolest looks right now could have come from the style statements made by grandmothers and grandfathers. You could almost be forgiven for thinking some of the Coachella looks were photographed at Woodstock, 55 years ago. Vintage is King, right now, and there’s no sign the trend is going anywhere soon.

That dominant weave of the sixties, crochet and macrame, has become a music festival favourite and along with fringing, defined the dress code for Coachella 2024.

Then there’s the ever present cowboy boots, with silver adding a new dimension for Coachella 2024. Who knows how long this trend locks in, or doesn’t? It’s part of the metallic trend that’s been around for a decade. More than ever, while bling is always a hot Coachella trend, 60’s inspired silver jewellery seemed the biggest vibe this year.

Mini-everything is big right now. Mini-shorts, skirts, bikini tops and cut-offs. And don’t forget the denim!

The obvious adoption of hippie-style make-up, bling-on-bling and headscarves was everywhere. And of course cowboy hats! Other than a rodeo, where else than in a western desert, could be more appropriate to wear them.

We might be starved for music festivals in Australia right now, but at least we can still catch the vibe of Coachella 2024, in preparation for the next one.

Featured Image: @nerii_xx

See previous Coachella looks. They’re a lot different!

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