Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Alternative Fashion Events to the Melbourne Cup

Fashion Events Australia Wide

It took a global pandemic to appear to sever the ties between fashion and the spring racing carnival in Melbourne. This year, “Fashions on the Field” converts to “Fashions on the Front Lawn” in what the Victoria Racing Club describes as an inclusive event to celebrate fashions for the Melbourne Cup. That is, provided you don’t live in an apartment or high-rise that doesn’t have a front lawn.

To get an idea of how diverse this event is not, you only need to tale a quick peek at Victoria Racing’s website.  We struggled to find images portraying any kind of diversity apart from women and men.

The whole Fashions on the Field thing started in 1962 to get more women track side.  It worked. Winners take out valuable prizes. However, simply attending the races on big event days can feel like you’re part of a cattle parade suffering endless drunken leering and sober gawking. It’s anything but glamorous.

Because we’re animal lovers,  feminists and all about embracing diversity, we’re saying Nup to the Cup once again.

Nup To The Cup

The  Nup To The Cup movement is growing. Fashionistas who are also animal lovers dress up on Melbourne Cup day while boycotting the event itself . Looks like it’s bigger in 2020. There are plenty of options for organising your own cruelty free event. At the same time, there are many  alternative fashion events happening that that you might want to join those.

Farshuns on the field is an alternative fashion event that protests against the Melbourne Cup
Creative direction: Tenfingerz
Design: Famous Artist Sebastian Berto

Nup To The Cup events include luncheons and picnics with cruelty free food, where proceeds will be donated to the protection of racehorses. There’s even a yoga day. Cafes, restaurants, hotels and farm sanctuaries are participating. There are so many Nup To The Cup events you’ve got a range of alternative choices to choose from!

Events are scheduled for Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Canberra, Newcastle and some regions. Even if there isn’t an event happening near you, everyone can still participate via live streaming! Businesses and organisations are announcing and uploading their events on the website of the Coalition for the Protection of Racehorses.

Farshuns on the Field

The Coalition for the Protection of Racehorses will be co-hosting an official protest event, “FARSHUNS on the Field”. Live streamed on Melbourne Cup Day, it’s a fun event with “absolutely no senseless torture of animals.”

Nup To The Cup organisers are asking animal lovers across the country to take a photo of themselves wearing Nup to the Cup face masks to upload on social media with #NupToTheCup

There’s also a lovely Canine Cup where dogs will simply run from one owner to another in a group game full of belly scratches (for the dogs) complete with a Zoom link for screening at the workplace, businesses or home.

Nup to the the Cup events: highly recommended! Feel free to hashtag #NupToTheCup, and help get the hashtag trending on that first Tuesday in November.




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