Exciting Opportunity For New Designers & Start Ups
A rare but golden opportunity has come up for aspiring fashion designers wanting to launch or grow their brand. If you’ve ever wanted to know how to become a fashion designer, this is what you’re looking for. Step-by-step advice is now available through a new service and COCKTAIL REVOLUTION has combined with Melbourne Fashion Hub for a special, affordable, half-price offer!
For many aspiring fashion designers, navigating the world of fashion can feel overwhelming. Finding out exactly how to become a fashion designer and launch a new brand is more than just a little tricky. Figuring out the next step or where to turn for advice can often see you coming face-to-face with brick walls. But now, there’s a game-changer. It’s called Melbourne Fashion Hub. Founded by industry veteran Julia Browne, this not-for-profit is stepping in to offer the essential expertise that so many new designers are missing when it comes to launching and growing their brands. Julia’s brand is all about empowering ethical designers
Melbourne Fashion Hub has become very well known for it’s free, supportive, inclusive, business accelerator program for locals. It’s now expanding its offering across the country. An Australia-wide on-line, one-on-one, personalised MFH consulting service is now available. You don’t have to be in Melbourne to get the help you need!

If you have already launched your fashion brand, or are about to, help is now available to you from an industry expert, when you need it. Not sure how to break through the next obstacle you’re facing? Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could simply tap into your own private consultant to discuss your issues with in confidence?
This is not a pre-set program that wastes your time covering information that you already know. It’s a consulting service that does exactly that – personalised, individual consulting. At the outset, Julia will chat with you in a “discovery session” to determine what you already know and where exactly your business is at. Not only is this an important starting point for any consultation, it’s efficient so, doesn’t waste your valuable time.
Whether it’s refining your vision, building a standout brand identity, or conducting market research, every piece of the success puzzle is at your fingertips.
Incredibly, there is no fixed duration. It’s up to you to determine when, how much and for how long you need someone to consult, advise and guide you. To be certain to get the help you need though, a starting package of five hours is recommended. From crafting a standout brand to creating a killer marketing strategy, the service provides practical, hands-on advice that will give you the confidence to take on the fashion world.
There are two options for this service. The first is for those who haven’t yet started and are absolute beginners. The second is for those who have started but are stuck, where you’ll receive help in overcoming hurdles and challenges you’re already facing. Both options are based on exactly on what you need.

Melbourne Fashion Hub X COCKTAIL REVOLUTION Offer
So impressed are we with how MFB is helping new industry creatives, we’ve teamed up with them for a special promotion offering more than 50% off!
Normally, sessions are priced at $150.00 per hour, but exclusively for COCKTAIL REVOLUTION readers and followers, you will receive a whopping 50% off! That’s right, only $75 per hour. And there’s more. Everyone who books through this promotion will also receive the MFH Fashion Business Plan Pack absolutely free! This template has everything you need to kick-start or elevate your fashion brand. They’re proven to work, very easy to use and will save you so much time. Simply download and personalise.
Now you can stop wondering about how to become a fashion designer with a successful brand and actually do something about it. In the competitive world of fashion, opportunities like this don’t come around every day. So be sure to take advantage of this amazing chance for one-on-one advice!

This exclusive offer is for a limited time only. It ends November 23. Don’t miss this opportunity as bookings made after this date will be at full price.
What are you waiting for? If you are ever going to get your fashion business off the ground, here’s your chance! To receive your amazing 50% discount plus the free Fashion Business Plan Pack, email MFB with COCKTAIL VIP in the subject heading.
See more about Melbourne Fashion Hub at:
Buy the Future With Melbourne Fashion Hub’s New Designers
Exclusive Pop-Up Event Unveiling the Future of Fashion