Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Fashionista on the Front Line

Aurora Banez

Popular fashion blogger Aurora Banez also happens to be a coronary care nurse working at Adelaide’s premier hospital. With infection control being a key element of her role, Aurora is unquestionably one of our essential workers. We had loads of questions for her…

Aurora Banez - fashion Blogger

Describe your job.
I’m a nurse at the Royal Adelaide Hospital. I have been nursing since 2015 and my specialty is cardiology. i work full time and do shift work. Currently I am doing mostly nights but do one day-shift  a week to maintain my portfolio, which is in infection control. So I have been quite busy.

How do you feel about going to work everyday during the pandemic?
Anxious with a huge side dose of fear. Healthcare workers (or anybody that works in the healthcare setting) are literally one cough or sneeze away from contracting the virus. I am now more aware of my surroundings and the people around me. It’s not just me though. Everyone is behaving more cautious now, as though the person next to you could infect you.

Social Media post by Autora Banez

Aside from feeling anxious and drained, we hear about the corona virus everywhere. In my case, I hear about it at work. I get a lot of emails about it. I see it in Facebook, in instagram, in news channels, even Youtube. The information changes everyday, as everyday we learn more and more about the virus. Even my Uber driver talks about it.

Fashion Blogger Aurora Banez

How do you fit Instagram into your busy schedule?
I get asked this question all the time HAHA. I have always used social media as a way to break up a full-time full on career. I also have a kid! I use it to have fun and to connect with family and friends. I make it a habit to actively make time for my social life, otherwise my career will consume me and will leave me burnt out.

So I do shiftwork, 80 hours a fortnight. I create content on my days off while I’m already out anyway. I don’t say yes to every collaboration opportunity I get. Just the ones that I think that fits my vibe. I think it also helps that I use Instagram just for fun, and not to generate an income. I do paid work sometimes, but I don’t stress if I don’t as I already have a full time career that I earn from. I feel like people who use social media as their main source of income would be more pressured to generate content quicker.
Fashion Blogger Aurora Banez
Describe your style.
I don’t follow a set aesthetic. I post what I want regardless of color schemes and all that. I’m mostly invested on fashion, food, and wine. I’m also a huge local supporter, so you’ll see me frequently preach about supporting locals!
Favourite Outfit?
There’s an Australian based boutique called MELKO that sells South American + Brazilian style clothing and I love it! It’s hard to choose as all outfits I’ve posted so far are all Aurora-approved :).
Favourite post?
My fave so far was the one I posted on the 30th of March encouraging everyone to do their part in the fight against COVID-19. It resonated with a lot of people that are scared that the virus would take one of their loved ones life.
Aurora's Instagram post
Favourite Collaboration?
There’s a lot!! I love our collaboration with Cocktail Revolution and Orenda Hair, my collaboration with Dyson Hair, with KX pilates, National Pharmacies, and PIMMS! It’s impossible to list them all!
Aurora Banez poses with her new style by Orenda Hair
Favourite WFM outfit?
Jammies and a fluffy bathrobe!
Favourite designer labels?
Locals such as Addison Ash, Harvey the Label, House of Campbell, and Kennedy Boutique! (again not the whole list LOL)
Favourite things to do apart from Instagram?
Wine, Pilates, and reading.
Aurora Banez
How hard is it to produce new content during these corona-times?
I have not really found it overly difficult. I now focus my content in promoting small Adelaide businesses and posting selfies with captions regarding self isolation and responsibility in preventing spread.
Now more than ever, we should be using our platforms to raise much needed education regarding COVID-19.
popular fashion blogger Aurora Banez



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