Thursday, February 13, 2025

Vogue Festival Wrap Party

Fashionistas Turn On Street Style

The Wrap Party for the Vogue Festival, a 2-day event as part of of the Adelaide Fashion Festival, was everything they said it would be.

Cocktails, canapes, cool tunes and a day of fashion. Fun and bubbles. A brilliant spring day. Laughter.

That just about sums up the scene of the Vogue street party held in Adelaide’s most fashionable precinct, the East End.  With one added ingredient – the authentic street style vibe.

We managed to snap the fashionistas who came to have a good time, who weren’t paid by anyone just to turn up. People who dressed themselves up stylishly in their own clothes.  We’re talking Adelaide locals who love this part of town and what it has to offer. And there were plenty of them.

And we snapped a few of the models on the runway showing off the latest looks available in the East End too…

Vogue Wrap Party Adelaide Fashionn FestivalStreet Style at the Vogue Festival Wrap PartyVogue_Wrap_Party_ Adelaide_Fashion_Festival_3Vogue Wrap Party - Adelaide Fashion FestivalStreet Style at the Vogue Festival Wrap PartyVogue_Wrap_Party_ Adelaide_Fashion_Festival_20Vogue_Wrap_Party_ Adelaide_Fashion_Festival_17Street Style at the Vogue Festival Wrap PartyVogue_Wrap_Party_ Adelaide_Fashion_Festival_16Street Style at the Vogue Festival Wrap PartyStreet Style at the Vogue Festival Wrap PartyStreet Style at the Vogue Festival Wrap PartyStreet Style at the Vogue Festival Wrap PartyVogue_Wrap_Party_ Adelaide_Fashion_Festival_14Street Style at the Vogue Festival Wrap PartyStreet Style at the Vogue Festival Wrap PartyStreet Style at the Vogue Festival Wrap PartyVogue_Wrap_Party_ Adelaide_Fashion_Festival_5Street Style at the Vogue Festival Wrap PartyStreet_style_Vogue_Festival_Wrap_Party_Street_style_Vogue_Festival_Wrap_Party_Street_style_Vogue_Festival_Wrap_Party_


Street_style_Vogue_Festival_Wrap_Party_Street_style_Vogue_Festival_Wrap_Party_Street Style at the Vogue Festival Wrap Party

Street Style at the Vogue Festival Wrap PartyIt was a great day and a great party. The Vogue Festival Wrap Party was organised by East End Social.

Photos: Dimitra Koriozos

& Stacey Pallaras


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