Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Vibrant Head Wraps “Allow Your Inner Joy to Burst Through”

 Ready-to-Wear Head Wraps Made in Australia

Head scarves are an ancient tradition and Australian label Naducaa is offering a rejuvinated version. Founder Nadia Mahmoud sews them into a ready-to-wear head wrap designed for easy use and a busy life style. They can easily be slipped on without having to tie, untie, adjust, tie again or having to watch a “how-to” tutorial. They’re proving to be very popular, with vibrant colours, patterns and many different styles. All you need to do is just slip one on!

Naducaa Head scarves model shoot
Images: Alyssa Blake

How and when did you start your label?

Rather than create online tutorials, since I don’t like public speaking, I decided to sew the head wear in place. 2018 was the year Naducca began to crawl, walk and then run. It took off in 2019 when I had a pop up store in Rundle Street East, in Adelaide, just in time for Adelaide’s Fringe Festival. It made it so much easier to introduce Naducca to a larger crowd.

Accessories can be powerful, don’t you think?

Absolutely. When I first designed these head wraps, I had fashion on my mind. When a cancer survivor first entered my store and told me what these wraps made her feel as though she was no longer hiding but rather expressing herself, I realised they are empowering. It reminded me how fashion can be transformative.

Head wear in mauve
Image: Alyssa Blake

Where do you find inspiration?

I draw inspiration from the community. I look at what people are wearing, the colours, the style and I’m reflecting that. I’m inspired by that. It’s culture but it’s fashion. I love seeing the street fashion people wearing it how they like and I love it.

What the most rewarding part of the creative process for you?

I always wake up in the middle of the night with an idea and it’s actually very satisfying to see when the product comes to life.

Naducaa head scarves with sequins
Images: Alyssa Blake

What are your hopes/goals for the future of the label?

The next steps in this new year in this new decade, look even brighter. There is always more to absorb, more to be inspired by and more to share. I’ve moved again, this time to Perth. There are more exciting plans to come.

Model with Naducca head accessory
Image: Alyssa Fedele Photography

Why is embracing personal style important to you?

It’s exciting! I clash colours, I turn up the volume, I dare people to be daring, to challenge themselves. I love spending time with people while they try on their head wraps. I love seeing people find THE ONE  head wrap that complements their style and their personality. Personal style is an authentic reflection of personality and self.

What do you want Naducaa Head Wraps to be able to do for people?

I want to give people confidence and comfort.

Naducaa head scarves on little girls
Images by Christina Toulantas


With vibrant colours and so many different prints, textures and styles, Nadia says her head wraps can be worn on any occasion, allowing, in her own words,  “your inner joy to burst through”.

Nadia Mahmood modellling one of her Naducca head scarves
Nadia modelling one of her own head wraps

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