Thursday, February 13, 2025

QUANT Win Movie Tickets

See Swinging 60’s Icon Immortalised in New Movie

Mary Quant, one of the biggest influencers of the 60’s and 70’s who passed away only last month, has been immortalised in a new documentary about her life and work. A style guru, fashion designer, cosmetics queen and cultural icon, Quant led the charge against the constraints of British conservatism and convention. Her ground breaking designs included the mini-skirt and hot pants! The name Mary Quant was synonymous with the “swinging sixties”

Now, the first official documentary about Mary Quant’s life story is about to launch in Australia. The documentary tells the full story about one of Britains most iconic design and retail pioneers. The documentary will take you from her first shop in the legendary King’s Road where the day’s sales were used to pay for cloth to make outfits to sell the following day, through to the development of a global empire that encompassed cosmetics and homewares as well as fashion. And you can win tickets to see what she became known for and how she did it!

In Cinemas from 18 May, we have 21 double passes to give away! Head over to our Instagram or Facebook page where you see this image:

Quant Win MOvie Tickets
Image Credit: Getty Images

and tag the friend you’ll take to see this fashion forward movie if you win.
Terms: All you have to do to be in the running is to tag a friend. Then, make sure you’re a subscriber (you can easily subscribe on our home page on this website- don’t worry we wont spam you with emails! You can enter as many times as you like with different tags, but you can only win one double pass, on either Facebook or Instagram. Image will be posted later today: keep an eye out for it. Winners will have to have a public profile.

Winners will be announced 15 May on Instagram and on Facebook, in the comments section under the post where you see the image above, and also on stories.

Quant: Win Movie Tickets


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