Thursday, February 13, 2025

Futuristic, Fun & Met Gala Fashion Folly

A week ahead of Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Australia, we’re still keeping an eye on the hottest international trends and local styles. Internationally the Met Gala is mega-trending, while on the streets  futuristic and fun is all the go. Matrix inspired trends, colours and textures are being spotted everywhere. So here’s the latest. The futuristic, fun & Met Gala Fashion Folly that’s trending right now!

Pops of RedRed Trends also look futuristic

Even in small doses, the colour red stands out unlike any other. It’s hardly surprising, then, that the biggest street style stars continue to incorporate red in their fashion week looks. Pops of red in the form of trimming, thigh high boots, handbags and even side stripes make for a head-turning look.

Matrix StyleMatrix influenced trends - very futuristic style

Slim sunglasses are possibly the most ubiquitous trend of the year so far, and the trends that have followed below the neck have naturally taken a Matrix-inspired turn as well. Slick, futuristic shades paired with floor-grazing coats in PVC and leather = instant sci-fi chic.

Local Radar – Berets

Beret- fun style trend

Yep – this headwear trend is still going strong on both local and international streets. We’re noticing more variation in fabric and colour as time goes on.

Street Stylers to Check Out

With a feed full of colour, texture and beautiful print, @naducaa is an Australian street styler who nails eccentric elegance.

Menswear insider and Instagram style star Marcel Floruss of One Dapper Street claims to be “helping men dress better” via his social channels. Hey, we’d believe it.

Met Gala Madness

It’s that time of year again. NYC’s Metropolitan Museum of Art’s annual charity fundraiser the Met Gala is upon us!  This year’s theme is a little more controversial than most:  Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination. But for fashion watchers, it’s gold!

Met Gala Women's Fashion FollyMet Gala Men style & fashion folly

Met Gala Fashion Folly

Less folly and more fashion, Australia’s own international model Adut – she of the CHANEL runway in Paris -stole the Met show in her Valentino gown.  Wearing this show-stopper, Adut nailed the theme and proved why she’s such a head-turner.

There’s enough Met overloading the net to keep you busy trawling until Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Australia taking place in Sydney next week. We’ll be there and can’t wait to snap the style set heading to Sydney!


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