Friday, September 20, 2024

Meet the Stylist: Isabella Mamas

Sydney Fashion Stylist

We did a quick fire Q&A with popular Sydney fashion stylist Isabella Mamas on all things style and her advice for others….

How would you describe what you do?

Quite simply fashion styling, which means sourcing and dressing people from all over. Sometimes it goes beyond styling, sometimes I’m creatively directing the shoot which allows me to bring all the ideas and dreams I’ve had to life.

How did you make your start in styling?

I had a blog from a really young age, but I got to a point where I hated being in front of the camera and wanted to find why I really loved fashion. Blogging and ‘influencing’ just wasn’t for me. So I started assisting some of my favourite stylists and putting together shoots with friends. From there it’s just grown. I often get messages on where to start and there are so many different ways to enter the industry. Some start with uni or other schools. Others start by assisting. Some have connections and so on. I wouldn’t recommend schools for styling, but assisting and watching the way some of the best stylists work is really inspiring and pushes you to not only work harder but put yourself out there as much as possible.

Editorial work by stylist Isabella Mamas

What’s the most challenging aspect of your work?

A lot of people don’t understand what I do and don’t understand how much work I put in.  So it feels as though I’m constantly trying to prove myself. I’m very much a perfectionist so I can stay up all night thinking, planning and sewing looks for the next shoot. It just never stops, but its oh so worthwhile.

Best advice you’ve ever been given?

Don’t take things personal! You may never know the complete story or what people actually have going on!

Editorial work by stylist Isabella Mamas

Most prized item in your wardrobe?

Always the hardest question! I bought myself a Pink Gucci bag for my 17th birthday. It took me working every day for 3 weeks straight at a local cafe over school holidays and I was so proud of myself. ALSO I own a pair of white cowboy boots from Urban outfitters that I’m obsessed with.

Editorial by stylist Isabella Mammas

Highlight of your styling career so far?

Everyday is a highlight for me. I get to work with so many amazing creatives along with some that have become family. Yasmin Suteja and Zotti are two I work with quite a lot and am so proud to call my best mates because we understand each other on so many levels. Being able to surround myself with equally creative people to build ideas and work together is forever inspiring and makes work so much fun.

Isabella Mamas - editorial work

Can you describe your style in three words?

Eclectic, Eccentric, and fresh

Your advice for any aspiring stylists?

Work hard, assist as much as you can (you can never stop learning!) Be persistent. Show everyone you’re worth their time. Return clothes on time and in the same condition you received them. Don’t expect jobs to magically appear. You have to work hard for them!

Editorial work by stylist Isabella Mamas

Best piece of style advice?

Stay true to yourself. I have tried to fit in by wearing whats cool but I never leave the house feeling like me and at the end of the day that is always what will win. It’s so easy to get sucked in by the vanity in the world of fashion but you need to remember what’s at your core, because that will be that keeps you grounded.

Stylist Isabella Mamas

Editorial by Isabella Mamas

What’s next for you?

Who knows! That’s the joy of this job, I never know what’s going to come my way. I’m so open to different types of jobs and that’s what keeps it new and fresh. This industry is forever developing. It keeps you on your toes.

Follow Isabella on Instagram.


See More: Meet the Stylist: Mary Lawas


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