London: High Snobiety
Fitzroy: Lawrence, Fashion Retailer, snapped just off Gore St Fitzroy.
Florence: FWN
Seoul: The Idle Man
Tokyo: FWN
Paris: Asia Typek
Paris: Streetstyled
Tokyo: FWN
Sydney: Jenna Elchico (Recruitment), Surry Hills. "I'm off to eat a snack." Photo: Maree Turk
Fitzroy: Jude Ng, Designer, laneway just off Johnson St. "Gender neutral aesthetic is a key element in a modern and versatile wardrobe."
Happy Socks. Photo: @Kayleigh_june
Seoul: Thousand Yard Style
Adelaide: Carina Stathis, Content Creator, Melbourne Street, North Adelaide. "Own your own style."
Melbourne: Sonya, Designer, Little Collins St. "I love the texture, quality and luxurious feel of Merino wool."
Paris: High Snobiety
Melbourne: Evan, Pattern Maker, just off Johnson St Fitzroy. "It's a hot day."
Sydney: Maddison, (Property Development), Surry Hills. "I'm heading to my friend's house." Photo: Maree Turk
Milan: Fashionista
Adelaide: Elenor Jones-Gray, Sales Assistant, Adelaide Uni Campus. "Describe my style as classic with a twist." Photo: Lydia Heise
Milan: Fashionista
Melbourne: Verra Jury, Designer, Faraday St, Carlton. "My bag is by a Japanese designer."
Paris: Asia Typek
Melbourne: Lyn-Al Young, Designer, Little Collins St. "I've always been designing."
Adelaide: Gemma Easton, Content Producer, Vardon Ave. "The devil wears Prada."
Arizona: Nordic Style Report
Happy Socks. Photo: @tweetymonkey
Texas: discodaydream
Paris: Asia Typek
Happy Socks. Photo: @timothyfelix
Milan: FWN
Adelaide: Olivia Sommariva, Law & Media Student & Fashion Retailer, Rundle Street East. "On a quick break from work."
Berlin: Jeremy Moeller
London: High Snobiety
London: FWN
Tokyo: High Snobiety
Happy Socks
Milan: Fashionista
Berlin: Jeremy Moeller
Paris: Popsugar
Berlin: Jeremy Moeller
Paris: Streetstyled
Adelaide: Soravee, Medical Student, Rundle Street. "I prefer separates to be able to change it up. Normally I wear coloured prints".
South Yarra: Gab Piacentini, Fashion Retail, Chapel St. "I like to create my own style. Love wearing pink and green normally."
Paris: Popsugar
Sydney: Sabrina, Bar Manager, Surrey Hills. "Heading to work. I'll finish up late tonight." Photo: Maree Turk
Paris: High Snobiety
Paris: Asia Typek
Florence: Thousand Yard Style