Friday, September 13, 2024

Grimaldi Couture – New Australian Denim Range

Mens Fashion Style

While travelling oveseas, Carmine Vozzo was inspired by the high quality denim being worn by people in the streets of Europe’s fashion capitals.  Realising there wasn’t an affordable high end European-quality jean available in Australia, Carmine jumped into the designer game and set up his own label.  The resulting fashion style of distressed denim, frayed edges and rips was of the highest quality. Now worn by the likes of Justin Bieber, Tyga and Liam Payne, Grimaldi Couture as his label is called, now exports to the US, it’s biggest market.

distressed denim fashion style by Grimaldi Couture

You came late to the fashion game. What was the spark that lit the match to make you go for it?

It was a trip overseas that sparked the fire. I always loved high end brands and throughout my travels I fell in love with luxury brands that are commonplace in Europe and US, and not so much here in my home town.

How did you start once you made the decison?

I went back oveseas to find a supplier and then once I got back home I recieved my first sample. It went back and fourth for a while changing materials, getting it perfect and all up that took about 6 months. That was for my first piece of Grimaldi Couture which was our signature distressed biker jean.

Mens Denim Fashion Style by Frimaldi

Describe your  journey over the last 2 years.

It has been a journey of a life time. I’ve met and worked with many amazing people. Nothing happened overnight . As with every new business there are many sleepless nights, or you could say, blood sweat and tears put in. To see people wearing something you created from nothing, that feeling I cannot explain. If I have achieved this much in 2 years I’m excited for what will follow.

Grimaldi Denim

How did you decide on the name Grimaldi Couture. Who is it made for? What sets it’s fashion style apart?

Grimaldi draws inspiration from its name sake. That is, the royal house of Grimaldi with heritage dating back to 12th century Italy and Monaco. Grimaldi makes sense, like street wear fit for a Royal. The Grimaldi client is confident, sexy, suave and always on point. I designed my products with the superior cut, feel and style of luxury brands in pieces that are also affordable, easy to wear and accessible. That’s what sets it apart. Customers not only get a wardrobe that is enviable, they get a lifestyle from it. Clothes change a persons mindset, and Grimaldi aims to raise people to their fullest potential, in life and clothes.

Grimaldi denim

Tell us about your design process.

Ideally, I wanted something to capture the mediterranean life style. So I put pen to paper and put all of my inspirations on that piece of paper that I still have to this day. After that I sent a photocopy of my design and measurements to my supplier and the rest is history.

Biggest challenges? Brightest successes?

Biggest challenges have been supplier communications. We have different hours when we can talk so things seemed to go in slow motion. Another challenge was getting the fashion style of my first product to be perfect. The sending of samples back and forth over 6 months was frustrating, where I just wanted to jump on a plane and go see my supplier. It was hard.

Seeing Grimaldi where it is now is my biggest success. It’s so amazing seeing something grow from nothing. To see people wearing Grimaldi, it literally leaves me speechless. Our biggest market at the moment is the USA.


What’s next?

I’m excited to announce that we will be releasing a women’s fashion style very soon! I hope to dominate women’s street wear as well.

Grimaldi womens fashion style

Follow Grimaldi Couture on Instagram, and visit their website here.


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