Thursday, February 13, 2025

Fashion with Impact and Purpose

Ethical Clothing Australia Events

This week, for conscious fashion producers, Ethical Clothing Australia is running two events that will help small business owners in clothing, textiles and footwear.

First, ECA is partnering with The Finders Keepers Markets to present a session is their Small Talks Masterclass Series, called: How to Create and Run and Ethical Business. The seminar will be led by ECA’s Accreditation Team Leader, Louisa Ramsay, who is an ethical supply chain expert. Ideal for anyone in clothing, footwear and textiles, it’s online and free! It’s happening on Thursday 30 May at 12-1pm. You’ll need to register.

Ethical Clothing Australia Event

Later on the same day Thursday 30 May, at 6-8pm, The Social Studio will be hosting a pop-up information evening.

The Social Studio provides training and employment for refugees and asylum seekers, producing high quality apparel and homewares.

The free event has been organised for local designers and anyone making textile, clothing and footwear products to hear about what Ethical Clothing Australia is doing to protect Australian workers and how accreditation could benefit their business. It will be held at 6/30 Perry St Collingwood Yards,  Upper Ground Courtyard, 101/30 Perry St, Collingwood.  Places will be limited and you’ll need to RSVP by close of business today.

Conscious consumers might want to see more at: What Makes Us Stop Buying Sustainable Clothing?

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